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Cichlid Tank Clean Up Crew

Multis look nice but froom speaking to ppl and reading theyd lower the Mubna fry survival rate which isnt something i want to do. My Raphael Cat eats everything that he can find.

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Apr 11 2007 3 Chinese Algie eaters would do great.

Cichlid tank clean up crew. Most plecos wont keep your tank algae free and will only eat a small portion in you tank. They eat uneaten food and possibly dead or weak fish. Clean Up Crews for Saltwater Tanks are a natural efficient and time saving way to keep your tanks clean.

Need Clean -up crew for Cichlid tank Q. Ok what about combinations of certain plecos and snails. Clean Up Crew For Cichlid Tank.

It is the best way to keep healthy fish. In my 2 freshwater tropical community tanks I have MTS mysteryapple snails Otos ghost stomp and Amano shrimp for clean up. Snails work too if they stay off your cichlids.

I was thinking 80 or so olive nerites and 10-20 rabbit snails for turning the substrate. Top 10 Top 5 PlaylistWaynes Fish Worlds Facebook Page. With the right reef cleaner package youll have invertebrates in place that will help control harmful nuisance algae anaerobic sand beds pests detritus feeders and algae eating fish.

If you really want a bottom dweller without regard to clean-up Id choose Synodontis multipunctatus for 75G or larger and lucipinnis for 55G. I will add MTS as substrate cleanersaeration. A python gravel vac.

October 28 2006 125943 AM Laura I would suspect that if youre keeping any pleco for the plecos sake feeding a more varied diet would be better for them. So why not invest in a saltwater cleanup crew for your reef aquarium. I could stock it with ghost cherry shrimp and let them go for a month.

Joined Oct 5 2010 Messages 156 Reaction score 0 Location Sheffield. How To Care Plecos. Siphoning the tank with regular water changes helps a lot.

Bottom line is that you cant be lazy in caring for your cichlids. In a mbunahap tank what would you guys recommend as a clean up crew. Top Five Saltwater Cleanup Crew Helpers.

These freshwater sharks might seem like an odd group to start with but you. Hello all so whats a good sturdy can-hold-its-own against aggressive Oscars and Black sharks - jagarundi-A. Most any sand is fine make sure you have enough rock to keep up the ph.

Id take a pair of BN plecs but i dont know what else to add. Ive never kept acei or dolphins but the Labs are mellow enough to mix just about. But theyre ideal tank mates for large central and south American cichlids.

They are from the same place and like the same water conditions. Also have a group of 6 petricola in a 55 with some SA cichlids and BN plecos but the tank isnt as crowded yours will be when the cichlids grow out. It is best to remove uneaten food right away do water changes and clean the aglae your self.

Clean up crew. With the variety of cleanup crew helpers available in the hobby it can become daunting to pick the right cleanup crew. At any rate supposedly they dont really bother the shells much.

As mentioned above cleaning the tank wiping down the walls and bottom and regular. Mine are even pellet trained so theyre used to coming out to the top of the tank. Here is a good link to compatible plants in a cichlid tank.

Gah I cannot remember their name and its right on the tip of my tongue lol. I have a new 75g tank currently set up and cycling which will be a dwarf cichlid tank Apistos and maybe Kribs with dither fish type TBD. Just have to remember it doesnt matter what clean up crew you use clean up crew dont eat shit.

Some plecos eat meatty foods and some require wood. This group of South American cichlids consists of several genera such as Geophagus and Satanoperca. Let me know if you want more details.

May 6 2012 1 SO Ive had my tank running for a couple of months now and Ive started to see a bit of algae growth on the glass bogwood and rocks etc. Showing you guys what the new additon has done to the tank. I want to try to avoid large populations of pest snails so I am looking for a plant friendly clean up crew that wont cost a ton as I am sure some will be eaten by the bichirs.

In everyones experience what is the best cleanup crew for a cichlid tank. Start date May 6 2012. A forum community dedicated to Cichlid Fish owners and enthusiasts.

Theyre a scavenging carnavore so they clean up after your messy cichlids. 10 Best Clean-Up Crew Ideas for Freshwater Aquariums 1. Limit the amount of natural sunlight on your tank and make sure that your actual tank lights are not designed specifically for plant growth.

Jump to Latest Follow. We can all appreciate a clean well-maintained aquarium. Best Cleanup crew for cichlids TStone23.

On 17082016 at 421 AM pk333 said. Come join the discussion about breeding health behavior housing adopting care. Click to view entries.

What is the best clean up crew for a Cichlid tank. Cichlids will murder anything that may be effective as well as incredibly rough on plants so Id suggest getting a battery powered Eheim vacuum they are excellent for touch up clean up like this. If youre interested I found a great way to clean the sand and in between the shells without disturbing the shells.

I also keep a Pleco in the tank which does fine. And they contribute to the amount of shit on the bottom of the tank. These are a few of my favorite ways to keep nuisance algae at bay.

Showing you guys what the new additon has done to the tank. African Cichlids and Plants I keep a few varieties of Anubis and java fern in my tank also black sand. The 75 runs on 2 aquaclear 110s the 55 on 2 70s with an air-driven sponge filter also in each tank.

Im talkin algea and un eaten food. Rainbow Sharks and Redtail Sharks. I should specify Im less looking for a cleaning crew than I am looking for a fishinvertother snail that will keep the sand looking clean I have a 2-3 inch Super VC-10 cichlid that goes around sifting through mouthfuls of sand occasionally I have a 60 gallon grow out dont worry haha.

Mar 24 2007 95 0 0 44. Reply 15 on.

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